Ecozon@: European journal of literature, culture and environment

Ecozon@: European journal of literature, culture and environment

 Ecozon@ is a journal devoted to the relatively new field of literary and cultural criticism called ecocriticism. Ecocriticism can be broadly defined as the study of the representations of nature in cultural texts, and of the relationship between humans with other earth beings and their environment as seen in cultural manifestations. Ecozon@ is one of the very few academic journals specifically devoted to ecocriticism, an exponentially growing field, akin to the more recently developing area of environmental humanities, and the only one to accept submissions in several languages.

Its principal aim is to further the study, knowledge and public awareness of the connections and relationship between literature, culture and the environment. As a virtual space, it provides a site for dialogue between researchers, theorists, creative writers and artists concerned with and by the environment and its degradation. Its pages are open to contributions on all literatures and cultures, but its special mission is to reflect the cultural, linguistic and natural richness and diversity of the European continent.

Research contributions are subject to double-blind peer review, and are accepted in five languages (English, Spanish, French, German and Italian), in order to increase visibility and broaden the participation of scholars who are not part of the English-speaking world. Ecozon@, in addition to publishing original research articles, also publishes book reviews which are peer reviewed and creative writing and visual arts which are reviewed by the editorial board. Publication is open to scholars and creators interested in ecocriticism from around the world. We recommend membership of EASLCE to our contributors and readers, but it is not a requirement for either.

Ecozon@ is currently indexed in MLA, OAI, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, Latindex, Dialnet, EBSCO, CROSSREF, and EBUAH, the institutional repository of the University of Alcalá.

 Ecozon@ is a journal devoted to the relatively new field of literary and cultural criticism called ecocriticism. Ecocriticism can be broadly defined as the study of the representations of nature in cultural texts, and of the relationship between humans with other earth beings and their environment as seen in cultural manifestations. Ecozon@ is one of the very few academic journals specifically devoted to ecocriticism, an exponentially growing field, akin to the more recently developing area of environmental humanities, and the only one to accept submissions in several languages.

Its principal aim is to further the study, knowledge and public awareness of the connections and relationship between literature, culture and the environment. As a virtual space, it provides a site for dialogue between researchers, theorists, creative writers and artists concerned with and by the environment and its degradation. Its pages are open to contributions on all literatures and cultures, but its special mission is to reflect the cultural, linguistic and natural richness and diversity of the European continent.

Research contributions are subject to double-blind peer review, and are accepted in five languages (English, Spanish, French, German and Italian), in order to increase visibility and broaden the participation of scholars who are not part of the English-speaking world. Ecozon@, in addition to publishing original research articles, also publishes book reviews which are peer reviewed and creative writing and visual arts which are reviewed by the editorial board. Publication is open to scholars and creators interested in ecocriticism from around the world. We recommend membership of EASLCE to our contributors and readers, but it is not a requirement for either.

Ecozon@ is currently indexed in MLA, OAI, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, Latindex, Dialnet, EBSCO, CROSSREF, and EBUAH, the institutional repository of the University of Alcalá.

  • Editorial: Universidad de Alcalá.
  • ISSN: 21719594.
  • Área de conocimiento 1: A. CIENCIAS, A4. Ciencias de la Naturaleza.
  • Área de conocimiento 2: E. ARTE Y HUMANIDADES.
  • Indexación y calidad:
  • Tipo de Acceso: Acceso Abierto.
  • Rutas de publicación: Diamante.
  • Formatos disponibles: PDF.
  • Periodicidad: semestral.
  • Impacto:
  • Se puede adquirir el ejemplar en formato papel de la revista: No.

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