SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte

  SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte

El tema principal de la revista son las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. La revista acepta artículos de los cuatro grandes bloques propios de las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte:

1. Educación. 2. Salud. 3. Gestión. 4. Entrenamiento.

The area of influence of Sport TK-Euromerican Journal of Sport Sciences, through its indexation and through the nationalities of its authors is international. The main topic of this Journal is Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The Journal accepts papers of the four main blocks that make up the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences: 1. Education. 2. Health. 3. Management. 4. Training.

1. Education. This section publishes manuscripts associated with the following areas of scientific investigation: physical education; sport psychology; neuroscience; motor control and learning; and motor behaviour. The work will have clear theoretical and applied implications and ideally have implications beyond the domains of sport and exercise.

2. Health. This section publishes papers with a clear focus on the public health outcomes associated with physical activity, on exercise physiology and sport nutrition and medicine. Papers may stem from any established scientific approach, including population studies, randomized control trials or structured reviews and should include a clear rationale for the work and ideally practical implications arising from the findings.

3. Management. This section publishes manuscripts that examine a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport, such as: organizational theory, behavior, and strategy; sport operations; marketing, consumer behavior, sponsorship, advertising, and licensing; media, communications, and public relations; sport tourism; facility and event management; and gender and diversity.

4. Training. This section publishes papers associated with the following areas of sport and exercise science: biomechanics; musculoskeletal and neuromuscular biomechanics; human and sports performance; and sports coaching. 

  • Editorial: Universidad de Murcia.
  • ISSN: 23408812.
  • Área de conocimiento 1: D. CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y JURÍDICAS, D19. Ciencias Sociales.
  • Indexación y calidad: WoS, Scopus, Latindex, DOAJ.
  • Tipo de Acceso: Acceso Abierto.
  • Rutas de publicación: Diamante.
  • Formatos disponibles:
  • Periodicidad: cuatrimestral.
  • Impacto:
  • Se puede adquirir el ejemplar en formato papel de la revista: No.

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